Due to inclement weather, the 9 a.m. service for Sunday, Jan. 20 has been cancelled. We will have one morning service at 10:45 a.m. as road conditions improve.

Chris Katulka: The Friends of Israel Gospel Message

Read the latest updates from the Katulkas and the Friends of Israel Ministry
Spring 2024
Summer 2023
March/April 2023
December 2022 - Katulka Newsletter
November Update - My Good Friend Lou
Ok! I have to tell you about this wonderful moment that happened a few weeks ago. I have a dear Jewish friend, Lou. I’ve known Lou for years, I’ve ministered and prayed with Lou, and on countless occasions shared the gospel with Lou. He loves it when we pray together, especially when I end our prayers, “In the name of Jesus”.
Lou is extremely well connected in the Jewish community of Philadelphia and Israel! He spent his life serving in the Consulate of Israel in Philadelphia. Lou has sadly been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
In light of Lou’s diagnosis, during one of our Friends of Israel online staff chapels, colleagues from all around the world stopped for a moment to pray for Lou. We recorded the prayer and sent it to him so he could watch it.
Fast forward a few days, I received a Zoom invitation from Lou to celebrate his birthday online. When I logged on there were Jewish people from Philadelphia to Israel honoring him. The joke among his guests was, only Lou could throw a birthday party for himself and 70 people show up. It was great to see the outpouring of love for him.
As he was going around talking about each person, he stopped and said to all of his Jewish friends. “I want to introduce my Christians friends, Chris Katulka will you say something?” I started to talk about the great relationship Lou has with the Christian community and then Lou cut me off and he said, “Chris… Chris… wait a minute. I want to play for all my friends the prayer video you sent me the other day. It’s only 4 minutes long so please nobody leave, just watch this video.”
During the prayer we read Scripture to Lou, we pray for Lou’s healing, and we lift him up in the name of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus! All of Lou’s friends witnessed genuine Christian love and support, and they all heard the truth of the gospel. We praise God for His grace and that he would use us to share the gospel, “to the Jew first” (Rom. 1:16).
Please pray for Lou and all those who heard our prayer!  

My FOI Team on the Field!
Ty’s Jewish friend introduced him to an elderly Korean lady, Myong.

Myong is 80 years old, she lost her husband in February and is facing family and financial problems. Her most pressing need, though, is salvation. Ty met with her several times, through Friends of Israel he was able to help with some of her financial problems, and he introduced her to a local Korean Baptist pastor.

Myong is in good hands, Ty and the pastor have shared the gospel with her, and suspect that she has become a believer, as evidenced by a dramatic change in her lifestyle in just the past few weeks.

I couldn’t be more proud of Ty, it's a testimony that his Jewish friends know his values and faith in Christ, which compelled them to call on Ty to help Myong. Praise God for how He’s using Ty and his family in Las Vegas.

September 2022 - What is BDS?



