Due to inclement weather, the 9 a.m. service for Sunday, Jan. 20 has been cancelled. We will have one morning service at 10:45 a.m. as road conditions improve.

Posts with the category “dr-jeremy-shaffer”

Why God Likes the Underdog
February 22nd, 2025
One of the reasons why many people like the Bible is because the underdog often comes away as the hero. Classic accounts of David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, or Moses and Pharaoh have been...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
More Than Just a Spy: A Cameo of Caleb
January 26th, 2025
When I was younger, I learned a great song (motions included) about the 12 spies Moses sent to reconnoiter the Promised Land (Numbers 13-14). It goes like this, “Twelve men went to spy out Canaan, ten...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Leviticus is More Important Than You Think
January 25th, 2025
When I was a student in Bible college, I can vividly remember when our campus pastor announced one Sunday that he was going to embark on a new preaching series … the Book of Leviticus. As a young coll...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Don't Let Go: The Perseverance of Jacob
December 28th, 2024
If you’re familiar with Jacob’s life and story, then I can almost guarantee you know at least two things about him: he worked 14 years to marry Rachel and had a night-long wrestling match with God. On...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Missional Geography of the Early Church
September 24th, 2024
As a sophomore in college with a history minor, I took a world geography class.  I enjoyed my somewhat animated professor who liked to remind us that when studying geography, we need to have our menta...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
A Biblical Theology of Weeds
July 27th, 2024
Yes, you read the title correctly; your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  Sometimes, the minuscule, pointless, and most aggravating things in this life have spiritual value.  Really, any part of Go...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
He Will Return
May 1st, 2024
The Passion Week of Christ is the single most important week in all of human history. Christ’s sacrificial act on the Cross provides meaning to everything in the universe. John said it best in Revelat...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Love One Another
January 27th, 2024
Have you ever stopped to consider why the phrase “love one another” is a command in Scripture? I think the simple answer is that loving one another is not an easy task.  Loving one another takes work;...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Witnessing: The Gospel According to Stephen
August 31st, 2023
Twenty-two years ago, when my wife and I were traveling to our honeymoon destination, we managed to get stuck in traffic. When we found ourselves stuck in traffic, I told her to reach under the seat, ...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
The Date of Easter
April 1st, 2023
Why is the day we celebrate Easter different each year? Have you ever asked that question? When I was younger, the holidays that did not change were always easy to remember, mainly because we would be...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Passion Week Guide
April 1st, 2023
This Passion Week guide is designed to help you make sense of the events of the most important week in the life of Christ while He was on earth. Each day has a brief summary of events that could serve...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Chapter & Verse
November 1st, 2022
Did you know that chapters and verses are not inspired? Did that get your attention? During the Medieval era of history, Stephen Langton from the University of Paris added chapters to the Biblical tex...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
My Happy Place
November 1st, 2022
When January of 2020 began, I had such high hopes for the year, especially because this would be the year in which I would get a chance to knock off the item at the very top of my bucket list. My wife...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: The Old Testament Came Before the New
October 1st, 2022
“Well, that’s something I didn’t know,” says every Bible reader (sarcastically, of course). I’m not trying to insult your intelligence, but sometimes every Bible reader and student of Scripture needs ...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Font Styles and the Bible
September 1st, 2022
Did you know that sometimes your Bible translation is giving you vital information that is hidden in plain sight? When there is a change in the font style make sure you pay attention because that smal...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Real Estate and the Bible
August 1st, 2022
Location, location, location is the mantra in the real estate world, but did you know that this mantra is also a big deal in the world of the Bible? No, I’m not trying to sell you biblical real estate...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Cross-References
July 1st, 2022
Cross-referencing might just be one of the most important tools for Bible study, and in the same breath, it also might be one of the most underutilized tools. A seasoned Bible reader knows the value o...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
The One Who ...
July 1st, 2022
Fireworks, gathering with family, outdoor concerts, and good food have always been the ingredients to a proper celebration of America’s birthday. This July, the United States will celebrate that 246 y...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
What is Pentecost?
June 1st, 2022
The Jewish festival, which is termed in the Greek language as “Pentecost,” is the same festival we find in the Old Testament called the “Feast of Weeks” or “Feast of Harvest” (Lev.23:15-ff). The actua...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Bible Background Commentary
June 1st, 2022
In the world of Bible study, a commentary is a very helpful tool, however, there are so many of them that the average Christian doesn’t know where to start. In addition to this, many different types o...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Atlas
May 1st, 2022
When I was just starting out in this life-long pursuit of reading my Bible, I rarely spent any time with that collection of maps in the back of my Bible. Today, many study Bibles include various maps ...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Parallel Bible
April 1st, 2022
A Parallel Bible is not a Bible translation, it is a way of organizing many translations into one Bible. Normally, two to four translations can be included in a Parallel Bible, and typically they are ...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Bible Study Tools: Bible Dictionary
March 1st, 2022
When I start a construction project, I always take an inventory to make sure that I have the proper tools needed to completed the job. In a similar way, when you undertake the study of God’s Word you ...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
How Long Does it Take to Read Each Book of the Bible?
February 1st, 2022
Have you ever asked yourself that question? The Bible is a really big book, but it’s made up of 66 individual books that vary in size. Did you know that many of those books can be read in one-hour rea...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Thankful in All Things
November 1st, 2021
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it says, “give thanks in all circumstances...” This reminder from Paul teaches us that it is God’s will that we have a spirit of gratitude.Gratitude is easy when life is going...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Rooted in 2021
December 1st, 2020
2021 marks the 5th anniversary of our church-wide Bible reading challenge. Many of you have been with us from the beginning, but there might be some out there who are new to LMBC and don’t know what i...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
Labor is Not in Vain
October 1st, 2020
For as long as I have been in ministry, Sunday morning services have always started with Saturdays.  Saturdays are the days in ministry life that you are thankful for because they give you time to get...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer
God of the Hills and Valleys ... and the Plains
May 1st, 2020
God of the hills and valleys has been popularized through song in recent years; if you listen to Christian radio then you will likely know the songs. But the expression God of the hills and the valley...  Read More
by Dr. Jeremy Shaffer

