When I was in the first grade I fell in love for the first time. Penny was beautiful, with long brown hair and green eyes. For Valentine’s Day I gave her two of my mother’s clip-on earrings and an envelope containing 100 pennies. To my surprise, her mother made her give the gifts back to me the next day! Sheeezzz, what an experience on my first attempt at love. In case you’re wondering, things did pick up for me. I later told Vicky I could not live without her, and August 16th of this year will mark our 40th wedding anniversary, and I still tell her that I can not live without her. Now, I feel just like the guy I heard in a movie who he said, “I still think about you even when I’m with you!”
My hope for you this Valentine season is that there is someone special in your life. There is no greater feeling than to be loved. It goes beyond feeling needed, it goes beyond being encouraged, welcomed, and even praised. Why? These all involve feelings that ebb and flow, come and go. Ahh, but love is tested. Love is lasting. True love is marked by a steady line that does not waver when the encouragement stops, the praise ceases, no one seems to need you, and the welcoming is no longer visible.
Now I realize not everyone has this type of love in their life; and that this time of year can be discouraging and lonely. I have great news for you! No matter your past, no matter who’s love you have lost over the years, and no matter how disgruntled or sad you are feeling, there is a special “Someone” for you. He is Christ the Lord. Dear friend, this isn’t just great news, it is the best news! Christ’s love is inexhaustible and unchangeable. He is our source of happiness. God tells us in Jeremiah 31:3, “ I have loved you with an everlasting love ...” Think about it, “everlasting” is a long time!
Christ has loved you from all eternity, but the extent of His love is exhibited in John 15:13 when He says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Ryrie says this, “... the highest expression of love is a self-sacrifice which spares not life itself.”1 We all know the depths of His love as seen on the cross, therefore, as Christians, we all know the boundless love we have the privilege of experiencing every day.
Dear Christian, my gift to Penny in the first grade was returned to me ( and I’m glad because my mom was searching for her earrings ). God’s gift however, is for all, fits all, and is free all the time. It has a “ no return ” policy. Have you accepted this gift? If so, are you utilizing this gift to its fullest extent? I dare say, that I do not. Too many times I have let discouragement rule my life. How sad that God has done everything for me, and yet I somehow find a way for God’s enduring love to slip right through my fingers. Maybe this is a good time to begin a fresh walk with the Savior. Scripture reminds us that God, in His goodness, goes about seeking those who will love Him (Proverbs 8:17). Therefore, no matter your present condition: happy, sad, or indifferent, God is still seeking you. He seeks after each of us, just as He did Adam and Eve in the garden when He asked, “... where are you? (Gen. 3:9). Maybe He is asking you this same question, can you hear Him calling your name?
How does this encompass you and me today? Love breaks down all barriers, all disappointments and all the “ what ifs ” in life. God’s love is supreme. Having this understanding allows you and me to go through life with all its ups and downs and still have a smile on our face. And the best news? We can share with others why we can keep our heads high when our lives are crumbling down all around us. This Valentine season, be happy. Why? Because the greatest love we will ever experience is ever-present. When is the last time you reached out to Him? He hasn’t gone anywhere, so what could be the problem?
We heard from the pulpit a couple of months ago the sermon by Dr. S. M. Lockridge, who said of Christ the King, “... no means of measure can define His limitless love ... He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon ... you can’t outlive Him, and you can’t live without him ... I wish I could describe Him to you ...” Dear friends in Christ, please remember, when we experience and utilize the love of Christ in our daily lives, we have everything. Just think, when He is with you, He still thinks about you.
1 Charles Ryrie, The Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, (Chicago, The Moody Bible Institute, Moody Press, Jan.1,1978), 1524.
My hope for you this Valentine season is that there is someone special in your life. There is no greater feeling than to be loved. It goes beyond feeling needed, it goes beyond being encouraged, welcomed, and even praised. Why? These all involve feelings that ebb and flow, come and go. Ahh, but love is tested. Love is lasting. True love is marked by a steady line that does not waver when the encouragement stops, the praise ceases, no one seems to need you, and the welcoming is no longer visible.
Now I realize not everyone has this type of love in their life; and that this time of year can be discouraging and lonely. I have great news for you! No matter your past, no matter who’s love you have lost over the years, and no matter how disgruntled or sad you are feeling, there is a special “Someone” for you. He is Christ the Lord. Dear friend, this isn’t just great news, it is the best news! Christ’s love is inexhaustible and unchangeable. He is our source of happiness. God tells us in Jeremiah 31:3, “ I have loved you with an everlasting love ...” Think about it, “everlasting” is a long time!
Christ has loved you from all eternity, but the extent of His love is exhibited in John 15:13 when He says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Ryrie says this, “... the highest expression of love is a self-sacrifice which spares not life itself.”1 We all know the depths of His love as seen on the cross, therefore, as Christians, we all know the boundless love we have the privilege of experiencing every day.
Dear Christian, my gift to Penny in the first grade was returned to me ( and I’m glad because my mom was searching for her earrings ). God’s gift however, is for all, fits all, and is free all the time. It has a “ no return ” policy. Have you accepted this gift? If so, are you utilizing this gift to its fullest extent? I dare say, that I do not. Too many times I have let discouragement rule my life. How sad that God has done everything for me, and yet I somehow find a way for God’s enduring love to slip right through my fingers. Maybe this is a good time to begin a fresh walk with the Savior. Scripture reminds us that God, in His goodness, goes about seeking those who will love Him (Proverbs 8:17). Therefore, no matter your present condition: happy, sad, or indifferent, God is still seeking you. He seeks after each of us, just as He did Adam and Eve in the garden when He asked, “... where are you? (Gen. 3:9). Maybe He is asking you this same question, can you hear Him calling your name?
How does this encompass you and me today? Love breaks down all barriers, all disappointments and all the “ what ifs ” in life. God’s love is supreme. Having this understanding allows you and me to go through life with all its ups and downs and still have a smile on our face. And the best news? We can share with others why we can keep our heads high when our lives are crumbling down all around us. This Valentine season, be happy. Why? Because the greatest love we will ever experience is ever-present. When is the last time you reached out to Him? He hasn’t gone anywhere, so what could be the problem?
We heard from the pulpit a couple of months ago the sermon by Dr. S. M. Lockridge, who said of Christ the King, “... no means of measure can define His limitless love ... He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon ... you can’t outlive Him, and you can’t live without him ... I wish I could describe Him to you ...” Dear friends in Christ, please remember, when we experience and utilize the love of Christ in our daily lives, we have everything. Just think, when He is with you, He still thinks about you.
1 Charles Ryrie, The Ryrie Study Bible, KJV, (Chicago, The Moody Bible Institute, Moody Press, Jan.1,1978), 1524.